New Studio as of March 2024 in Deurne, Antwerp.
After looking for a new studio for a long time with many trial and error we have finally settled in a new studio in Antwerp.
I start with what is called 'found footage' a collective term for existing images found on the internet, in books or even on your family members camera roll. I collect these and print them en masse. Then I scatter them around my studio where I then combine, manipulate or destroy them. This ensures that I never have to be afraid of the white canvas. Just like a brain full of memories, the image suffers from horror vacui and like memories, some paintings are very clear and some blurred, barely distinguishable from a fever dream.
Current/ Upcoming Exhibitions
-working on a new project for BackSpace 2025
(my studio whilst at LUCA)
Past Exhibitions
-Group show in Current Art Space, December 2023 Antwerp
-- Group Exhibition ‘Equilibrium’ in Back Space April 7th-9th 2023
- Wijk8 Solo Expo 2022 Ghent
- Group Exhibition Diskus 2022 Aalst
- Cooperation Juttu 2022 Ghent
- Group expo Raveelmuseum 2021 Machelen-aan-de-Leie
- Kavka solo expo 2019 Antwerp
Other projects:
- curating Back Space: An artist run space currently that started in Wolstraat 18 Antwerp, new location begin 2025.
- freelance Art Handler since 2021
Lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium
2018-2022 Master in painting/LUCA School of Arts (cum laude)
2022 Jury Price LUCA School of Arts
2022-2024 Educative Master/Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (cum laude)
and painting A LOT!